RED TABBED® productized masonry walling is manufactured using patented technology. These cassettes are an exciting new construction component six years in development. Now a turnkey product using highly automated robotic processes to improve construction and drive down build times and costs. We and are currently seeking companies around the globe that share in our vision and want to take advantage of this business opportunity.

How can we take part?

RED TABBED has two licences available suited to different business models, however some companies may purchase both. Both licenses are sold on geographic/population basis.

We look forward to showing you more.

Machinery supplied and commissioned

New manufacturers have the option of purchasing the same plant that we use including the moulds. We fabricate the machinery, install and commission it. This removes much of the risk and unknown technology.

Contact us for more information on costs and time frames or discuss if this is for you.

Is this the future you have been looking for? We all know how flat-packed technology worked for iKea. We are bringing flat-packed masonry to construction. Why not be a part of something great.

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Timing has never been more important.

Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum.

By purchasing a distribution licence, your business is protected by our patent, which controls competition. This also protects your capital investment. This headstart gives you the ability to establish yourself through market saturation but only for companies that take advantage of the patent protection now.

Clients that miss this opportunity could see their competition securing our technology and gaining a compeditive advantage. For example a prefabricated home builder whose competition now offers highly attractive RED TABBED masonry finishes preassebled to volumatric units. A more desirable product with no peer.